3 Tips for improving the performance of your team. 1. Make sure you have clear objectives for each member of your team and that they are kept up to date, to ensure you’re driving performance. 2. Always have at least
Finance for non finance – why is accurate budgeting important?
Finance for non finance – why is accurate budgeting important? Lots of reasons. 1. Accurate forecasting in budgets means you know what’s going on. You understand your environment; team, division, organisation, country, so well that you are able to accurate
Typical project failings
Typical project failings Here are some typical project failings that have been communicated to us during our project management training: 1. Over optimistic time deadlines. 2. Not identifying the work was a project in the first place, which meant
Carrot or stick, which is best for motivating?
We continue to revisit the issue of motivation and specifically, the “carrot and stick” aspect. Research seems to indicate that brain chemicals may control behavior and for people to learn and adapt in the world; therefore, both punishment and reward may be necessary. This
Handling difficult conversations training gets great feedback
Handling difficult conversation training gets great feedback. Participants found the handling difficult conversations training this week to be very useful. The approach is to introduce ideas within the context of their needs and situations. So it’s a practical session with
Why Companies Prefer Amateurs for Some Jobs
There’s an old adage among engineers: If you’re trying to solve a problem, take it to freshman engineering students, not seniors. That’s because, after four years of learning about the limits of physics, they lose the ability to design solutions
Every team needs rules
Team working – every team needs rules What are the key principles for a successful team? One aspect is that every the team needs rules which have to be clearly communicated. Ensure all members of the team understand these and
The transparency trap
The transparency trap. One decade you’re sitting at a desk hemmed in by four-foot-high walls, the next, your desk is one of hundreds in an open workspace the size of an aircraft carrier hanger. Today’s cult of transparency rests in
A foundation conversation helps when you need to give difficult feedback
A foundation conversation is required when you need to give difficult feedback. Managers will sometimes need to have difficult conversations with one or more of the team. This maybe about performance, behaviours, their attitude, or about passing comments they make.
Mentoring can have a real impact early in careers
The British Psychological Society reports that young people are more likely to enjoy lucrative and rewarding careers if they are mentored during their youth, a new study has revealed. Research by North Carolina State University, published in the American Journal of