About ITD
ITD, International Training & Development, was born in 2002.
The aim is to provide innovative soft skills skills training which helps organisations solve their challenges. We introduce practical ideas which help people with their day to day work. Our clients are a wide range of organisations in terms of size, market and location, which means we work with people from all sorts of job roles and departments and countries.
In-person & Virtual Training
We design and deliver training in-person and virtually. Both have high impact. Our first virtual training session was in 2009 and worked very well with the learning outcomes very similar to in-person training. Since Covid of course, the world changed and virtual training is possible wherever you are.
Tailored to your needs
We always tailor our training to a degree, because this makes it more relevant to our clients and more interesting for us.
Countries worldwide
We have worked in a great many countries worldwide both in-person and virtually.
Workshop style with interaction throughout the session
If you take a look at the training reviews page you will see consistent feedback is about how interactive our training is. This is essential as involvement in al participants creates a better learning environment.
Practical to help with day to day situations & challenges
The reward for our training is often in helping people do their day to day work a little bit better. To achieve this we make our training practical and relevant to the participants work.
Training on subjects that have communication and development at their heart, from leadership & management, to presenting and personal efficiency.
We train on a wide variety of soft skills subjects, with most having communication at their heart.
Solving your challenges with soft skills skills training
Business skills training is sometimes called soft skills training, but it’s anything but soft. These skills can often make the difference between success and failure. ‘Knowledge is power’ the old saying goes. Not so, we think it should read ‘The use of knowledge is power’. How you use knowledge is all about your skills. This is just one example of how at ITD we see things differently.
You might be the brightest in your subject, but if you cannot communicate that intelligence, it can hold you back. Our training has helped shy people with their presentation skills. We’ve helped lawyers communicate their knowledge and understanding. ITD workshops have helped sales people modify they chatter and listen more. Whatever your needs for soft skills training we will help give you ideas to improve your approach.
Participant reviews are crucial to our development and success
At ITD we've worked with many people from across the world
We’ve worked with many people from across the world on all sort of projects. In 32 countries and with thousands of people. Here’s some of the projects or subject matters.
Sales training & consultancy
Sales training
Sales training
Personal efficiency training
Sales & communiaction training
Sales training
Communication skills training
Sales training
Sales for non sales training
Communication skills training
Sales training
Sales training
Communication skills training
Finance for non finance training
Management training
Communication skills training
Management training
Leadership training
Team building training
Presentation skills training
Sales training
Customer service training
Communication skills training
Personal efficiency training
Communication skills training
Management training
Team working training
Sales training
Management training
Communication skills training
Time management training
Communication skills training
Leadership training
Sales training
Sales for non sales training
Sales training
Management training
Sales training
Team building training
Finance training
Communication training
Management training
Communication skills training
Sales training
Management training
Communication skills training
Time management training
Presentation skills training
Personal efficiency training
Communication skills training
Management training
Leadership training
Finance training
Sales training
Sales for non sales training
Management training
Sales training
Management training
Leadership training
Presentation skills training
Communication skills training
Team building training
Presentation skills training
Communication skills training
Management training
Leadership training
Project management training
Communication skills training
Presentation skills training
Management training
Sales training
Leadership training
Time management training
Personal efficiency training
Finance for non finance training
Communication skills training
Presentation skills training
Management training
Sales training
Leadership training
Time management training
Personal efficiency training
ITD - Designed to suit your needs
Our approach is to design training which addresses the challenges of the organisation and their people.
Yes we can deliver training off the shelf. No problem when you’ve been doing it this long. But every session we run is slightly different because we listen and adapt to the needs of your organisation and your people.
Keeping it fresh with the latest research is the ITD way
We love research and we love new books based on research and ideas.
At ITD we take ideas and research from one area and apply them to another. For example behavioural change research carried out in the health sector over the last 30 years has been applied to many of our workshops. In particular we have applied it to our personal efficiency training, to help people work out how to implement changes which will help them use their time more effectively. This approach has had great results.
Developing frameworks & ideas into our own IP
We’re always developing new ideas and new models. These are to help people make sense of the situations they are in and to give them solutions.
We try to make all of these easy to understand and simple to apply. Take a look at our case studies to see examples of our work in action.
Charitable Donations
Since 2015 we have sent donations to the BornFree charity. These guys work with helping keep animals in the wild. Wouldn’t it be cool if we just let animals do their stuff.