Practical Management Training
Success at management requires a thoughtful approach.

Online Practical Management Training

Our online Practical Management Training is delivered using Zoom, but we can use whatever platform you prefer. We’ve designed and delivered online training using Adobe Connect, Webex and most of the major platforms. And we’ve being doing it for over 10 years.

Perhaps the surprising thing about online training is that the outcomes are often very similar to live face to face training. The downside is often that participants don’t enjoy the benefits of social interaction. But we work hard to ensure participants are involved and engaged at all times through group discussion, small group discussion and skills practise.

Our online management training sessions are delivered in a series of 60 to 90 minute sessions. They are workshop in style with interaction, participation and discussion.

Practical Management training

Practical Management training is useful for anyone new to the manager role. This includes those who are expecting to take on a management role, or who would benefit from a refrsher on their approach.

People management principles apply directly to line managers and dotted line or project managers, because they have responsibility for the work of other people. With project managers the emphasis is on motivation and timely completion of tasks to the correct standard, that’s because these are typically the biggets challenges.

With people managers the emphasis is on management challenges. We cover a broad range of subject areas. This includes the areas you might expect such as motivation, performance management and managing remotely. We also cover handling difficult conversations, time management and creating a performance culture.

Tailored practical management training

Practical management training with ITD is tailored to the needs of your organisation and of your managers. We tailor training in a number of ways. Firstly we create an agenda which focusses on your needs and those of the participants, based on our broad range of subject options. Then we draft scenarios and examples based on discussion with you, so that they are directly relevant to the participants. Lastly in the training itself we ask the participants for their challenges and adapt the session base on these.

Performance management

We develop and deliver practical training which helps improve performance.

Practical Management training from ITD is, of course, practical and focuses on your requirements and the improvements you need. Our training is a balance of researched theories, experience and practical application. Ideally clients want their people to be able to apply new ideas straight away. The unique ITD action planning tool will give your people the best opportunity to do just that.

Practical Management training with ITD is tailored to the needs of your organisation and of your managers. We develop and deliver practical training which helps improve performance.

Typical challenges of participants

Our training focusses on your challenges so that it is practical so that the ideas can be used immediately. Here is a selection of typical management challenges:

“I’m new to management, so it would be really useful to know the basics.”

“I’ve got a really diverse team which means I need to get ideas which are flexible and I can adapt to different situations.”

“How I develop people is definitely my main concern”

“I want to make sure the team performs to a consistently high standard. This is especially in the achievement of targets”

“I’ve got a great team except for one person who is really dragging their feet. So I need to learn how to keep them motivated as well as get the one person to improve their performance.”

Practical Management Training Overview

Pre-workshop activity

Participants complete the ITD work styles model, which gives ideas on the impact of personality on management as well as communication.

Management Training Agenda

Management challenges

The training opens with a discussion on the actual and potential challenges faced by participants. This means the practical emphasis of the session is made at the start. The training consultant suggests ideas to address each challenge and importantly involves the group in discussing the practicality of these.

Transition to management

The differences and implications of working as a manager are explored in comparison to the participants’ previous roles.

Impact of personality

Based on the pre work completion of the ITD work styles model, participants reflect on the impact of their personality. As a result each person gains insight into how their personality affects their approach to managing people.

Management styles

There are many models of management styles and we cover two of the best to give a framework for successful management. For example, we explore participants’ natural approach to delegating, coaching, discipline as well as difficult conversations.

Challenging situations

We have suggestions on the most challenging conversations a manager can have. However, we start this section with the participants suggesting their perceived most difficult situations. Possible solutions and different approcahes are discussed and practised in small groups.


This idea, created by ITD, gives managers a way to create a foundation for the relationship with each member of their team. In addition it works with the team as a unit.

One to ones

The importance and experiences of one to ones is discussed. A framework for successful one to ones is reviewed and practised. This means that skill development is a key part of this section.

Team meetings

Team meetings are key a part of any team cohesion, and this is especially important when working remotely. We discuss the participants’ experiences with team meetings then give ideas and strategies to improve performance.

Managing virtually

The specific challenges of managing virtually are discussed which includes sharing experiences of sucesse and challenges. Ideas for managing virtually are debated and applied to situations, especially challenging situations.

Personal actions

Each participant drafts a personal action plan using our behavioural action planning tool, which importantoly gives the best chnaces for implementation.

Post workshop activity?

You have a number of options to choose from as follow up, which includes one to one online coaching.

Management usually involves a lot of reporting as well as implementing projects.

What do people gain from our management training?

  1. Frameworks for how to approach the role of manager.
  2. Reflections on their management style.
  3. Ideas on how to resolve challenging or difficult situations.
  4. Ideas on how to motivate their people.
  5. How to coach people to improve performance, capability and confidence.
  6. Specific actions to implement in their work.
practical management training

Practical Management training case study


Cambridge Cognition is the leading global provider of cognitive assessment software for use in clinical trials, academic research and healthcare provision. Their work advances research, diagnosis and treatment in mental health across the world.


The business has experienced the typical growing challenges of an organisation in a technological field. The new role of team leader was created to oversee teams of people in all departments.


The need was to help these team leaders with a comprehensive overview of managing people.


We met with the team leaders and senior management to gain a good understanding of both the training needs but also the business culture. The latter is important for us to put the training into context. We then designed a programme of one day training interventions spread over six months:


The main outcomes of the people management training were:

  • Participants gained clear ideas on the fundamentals of people management, including the key processes.
  • These new team leaders had an opportunity to discuss their challenges and get ideas from the ITD training consultant on what to do.
  • Confidence was built by having the programme spread over several months.

Participant feedback

The main outcomes of the people management training included:

  • Participants gained clear ideas on the fundamentals of people management, including the key processes.
  • These new team leaders had an opportunity to discuss their challenges. They gained ideas from the ITD training consultant on what to do.
  • Confidence was built by having the programme spread over several months.

Client feedback

“Very pleased with the approach and the delivery which really focused on our people and their needs.”

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If presenting is part of your management role, check out our online learning platform

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