FAQs - What are FAQs?
FAQs is an acronym which stands for Frequently Asked Questions. These by definition are questions which lots of people have. They are common thoughts or questions and the related answers. If your FAQ is not answered here you can submit your question on line or just call us!
ITD Training FAQs
The following FAQs are training and specifcally about soft skills training. They are not just about ITD and our training, but also apply to soft skill training generically. Weirdly you will notice that not all the questions below are actually questions, that is because they are search terms lots of people put into google to find out stuff about training. So in fact they are questions they’re just not in question format. Hope that makes sense!

Soft Skills Training FAQs
The term ‘Soft Skills’ is a bit of strange phrase but what it usually means is any skill which is work related but not of a technical nature. It’s not about skills which you need specifically to do your job. For example if you work as a sales person for a building company, you will need technical training about what your company does, how the building are built etc. The soft skills training you will need covers things like sales training presentation skills training. So the soft skills training is needed for your role but not the technical part. Some thing soft doesn’t sound right because it can be very hard!Another phrase for the same area is business skills training.

Training Costs FAQs
How much does training cost? How much should training cost? This all depends on value, that is how much is it worth to the organisation buying it. For this reason training costs need to be measured against the value it brings.

Soft Skills Training Specific Subject FAQs
This section of FAQs is to do with training subjects which are more generic areas. This means things like influencing or negotiation. It also includes new areas such as Nudge.

Management Skills Training FAQs
Many managers are promoted into the role because they are good at the functional are of the role. So a person who is good in the finance team may well get promoted to be finance manager. A good sales person often gets promoted to be a sales manager. But very often they get promoted without any formal management training. For that reason it is very important to train people shortly after they are promoted, or best of all before they are promoted.

Communication Skills Training FAQs
There are few jobs that don’t include some sort of communication as a required skill. In many roles communication can be a vital skill, although it is not always made clear in the job advert or role description.

Leadership Skills Training FAQs
Whether you are a team leader, a senior manager or director, leadership is a distinct set of skills. Leadership can be one of those skill areas which on the face of it is very simple, but which can get incredibly complex.

Personal Development Training FAQs
In this page personal development means any skill area not covered by one of the other titles and which improves your ability to do your work. They tend to be generic skills which relate to your role and which you will apply to your personal circumstances.

Time Management Training FAQs
Getting better use of the time available is what time management is all about. At ITD we believe there are always possibilities to become more efficient and get more from your time.

Customer Service Training FAQs
Modern economies are becoming more service lead. This means that competition may be in the product or service but is more often in the service offered. As a result customer service training is vital for the success of many organisations.

Presentation Skills Training FAQs
Having the ability to present your ideas clearly is a key skill for many roles, from sales or marketing through to research nurses and academics. Consequently training on presenting is very important for those roles to communicate clearly.

Personality Training FAQs
One of the most interesting and asked for session in training is to do with personality. The importance of personality cannot be over stressed. First of all it affect how we do our work, how we interact with other people and why we get on so well with some people and less so with others. As a result personality features in many of our training workshops.
Personality Development and Soft skills?

Sales Skills Training FAQs
They say that some people are natural sales people. This may be so but even those natural sales people can still learn how to do things in a better way. This could include improving questioning skills, listening, presenting closing, or relationship management. For that reason training for all sales people is fundamental to future success.

Project Management Training FAQs
So many roles now require project management to a lesser or greater degree. Professional project managers are highly qualified but those with other roles tend to get training in their discipline but not necessarily in project management. For that reason it is important to recognise if your role does involve project management and then to learn how to manage projects properly.

Training Locations FAQS
With training being available as a face to face, webinar, video or on demand on line experience, training is possible any where at any time. The question what do you need and how do you need it. Consequently training providers need to look at what they deliver and how their customers want to access the content they offer.

Training Company FAQs
The market for training providers has grown massively over the past 10 years. With growth has come specialisation. For that reason training companies need to communicate clearly what benefit they bring to their clients and that means where is their value.