Assertive is not aggressive! It is a common misunderstanding that assertive behaviour is aggressive. To avoid this we use a simple definition. Aggression; where one person only has an interest in their own point of view Assertion; where a person
Influencing Partners – Part 2
Influencing partners can be a challenge but if we follow a few simple guidelines it can be made more straight forward. Some partners can appear direct to the point of bluntness or even rude. Others can talk about the details
Assertive behaviour; what it is & why is it so important?
It’s 2.45pm during a busy day, one of your lawyers comes over to say ‘could you just do the amendments on this doc? I need it before the close of play, thanks’ before you say anything they’re gone. You have
Assertive Behaviour – is not the same as aggressive behaviour
Sometimes assertive and aggressive behaviour can be easily confused. If we send an email to a colleague saying ‘Please can you get this document translated into Italian and French by Thursday at 3.00pm.’ Is this aggressive or assertive? Let’s look
ITD Work style model to understand personalities at work
ITD work style model There are many models for understanding personality at work. We use Thomas International if a full blown psychometric report is required. There are many others, and they are all based on Carl Jung’s 16
Tips and ideas on working with different personalities or work styles
We all have our own personality. At work we have a work personality or work style which may be the same or slightly different. There are many models which help us to describe this personality. At ITD we have worked
Working with different styles – Direct
A person with a direct work style, or some of the direct behavioural traits, can be one of the most challenging to work with. They are characterised by; focus on getting things done, impatience in meetings, disinterest in chit chat,
When is the best time to plan your day?
If we accept that planning our day is a good idea, when is the best time to do this? There is a good argument for planning our day at the start of the day. To organise what will be done
Working with different work styles – Analytical
We can see people have different work styles. Some are very chatty whilst they work and enjoy collaborating with colleagues (Social). Some like to try new things, welcome change and enjoy variety in their work (Conceptual). Some like to get
Being assertive with the direct lawyer – a secretary’s perspective
Being assertive with the direct lawyer – a secretary’s perspective We can go on training courses to learn how to be more assertive, but this does not necessarily mean we will be more assertive. Building confidence in a