Time management training from ITD will help you to become more efficient. We can help you to manage tasks rather than tasks managing you. Our training will help lower your stress levels, using our unique action planning tool we will help you make the behavioural changes you want to make.
We deliver our time management training within the context of realistic pressures of work performance. This is a practical session which means you will be working on your challenges in the training.
Our time management training is tailored to your needs to help develop practical actions for your situation. Our problem solving workshop style is ideal to help you improve, not just learn the theories as with so many time management training courses
Time management training from ITD
Time management training from ITD will help you to become more efficient, develop a sense of managing tasks rather than tasks managing you, and lower stress levels. Using our unique action implementation tool we will help you make the behavioural changes you desire.
Our time management training is tailored to your needs to help develop practical actions for your situation. Our problem solving workshop style is ideal to help you improve, not just learn the theories as with so many time management training courses.
What is time management training about? Here is how previous participants on our training have described it.
- “Improving efficiency, by helping me take control of how I manage tasks.”
- “The ability to deliver results in the time available, through working with my personality”
- “It is always possible to become more efficient in how we organise ourselves and our work and this training gives me tools for doing this.”
- “Better prioritisation, by using prioritising tools.”
Martin recently conducted a training session on impactful presentations and shared some excellent tips. I appreciate his active engagement with the participants and the collaborated environment he fostered. He demonstated a strong uderstanding of the subject matter. I particularly enjoyed the emphasis on interactive activities.
Management coaching - High professional quality
With his experience and knowledge Martin tailored the training to be effective but also easy in incorporate new ideas and approaches.
Thank you!
I have really enjoyed the training given by Martin because it was interactive, dynamic, concise and he pointed out a number of essential issues on how to succeed in presenting virtually.
Check out what participants have said about ITD on our Training Reviews page.
We identify the underlying causes
The ITD approach to time management skills training is to look for the underlying causes of time management issues. We also explore behaviours that can create pressures on ourselves. This is achieved because the workshop focuses on each individual’s approach to their work and how this can unlock opportunities to be more time efficient.
There are also a range of very straight forward tips which can have a big impact on time management. In our experience no single approach works for every individual. In a typical ITD time management training workshop we work with your people to find the best solution for them, so that each participant leaves with a number of specific actions to improve their efficiency.
Added to this you will benefit from our unique approach to action planning which supports the behavioural change required to make a real difference.
Typical challenges of our participants
- “I can’t seem to get everything done between 9.00am and 5.00pm, which means my day usually goes over time.”
- “I’m not sure how to prioritise my work, so I don't always do the right piece of work first.”
- “The balance the demands of project work and small tasks is really difficult, which means I'm alwys being interrupted when I'm concentrating”
- “I get loads of emails, so it's hard to concentrate on a piece of work.”
- “Our meetings always go over time, which makes us all inefficient.”
- “My internal clients are very demanding and contact me personally and they don’t follow the correct process, so I'm always being dragged away from the work I should be doing.”
- “My team always come to me for guidance rather than think how to do things themselves, which means I have less time to do my work.”
- “There are constant interruptions during the day, so I tend to do my work later in the evening.”
- “We have so many meetings, which means I don’t seem to get much time for my work.”
- “I put off large horrible tasks, so procrastination is definitely my issue.”
We tailor the training content to suit your needs
1. We will discuss the typical time management challenges of your people, to make the training relevant and practical.
2. We then design a draft training agenda, suggested time-scale and proposal including budgets, which focusses on your needs.
3. During the training workshop we ask participants for their challenges, so that we tailor the content in the moment as well.
Time management training agenda
Working from home
Working from home has distinct challenges which are impacted by personal circumstances. For instance if you are on you own, this is very different to those who have family members, especially children, to share the work space with.
Personal challenges
Each participant discusses their challenges with time management, in order to give the training the obejctive of developing solutions to these challenges.
Following the pre-course work participants reflect on their personality, for instance exploring how being friendly can have an impact on assertiveness when discussing work load.
We review different approaches to improve prioritisation, in other words making sure you do the right work first.
Planning has many benefits to impropve time management, above all it’s a key way to control how you use your time more efficiently.
Email management
Managing interruptions can be a key to improving effectiveness, none more so than with emails. So we explore behavioural techniques to improve this area.
Continuing the behavioural approach, we review each participants habits, exploring how they are formed and how to change them. After that each participant plans new habits to implement.
Some interruptions are part of the job, however many are not. And we explore how to manage inerruptions successfuly.
Meetings both live and virtual can absorb huge amounts of time. This means improving meeting management has a big impact for mnay people.
Pre-workshop activity
Participants complete the ITD Work Style Model and recieve a short explanation of the model, which means they start thinking about the impact of personality on their time management.
Post workshop activity
Participants receive an email summarising their actions from the training, in order to continue the learning experience.
You also have optional one to one coaching and conference call follow up in addition to the workshop.
Time Management and your personality
Managing time effectively is often impacted by our personality. Using the ITD work style model, which is easy to understand and simple to apply, we can identify some typical issues.
Direct – the direct person is impatient, gets things done and doesn’t want to waste time. But they may start things without enough planning and then find some time later there is a better way to do it, so have to start again.
Analytical – the analytical person likes to really know a subject, enjoy detail and accuracy. But because they like to get things right and because they fear failure, decision making can be slow. And they may change things, make amendments, again and again, without any material difference.
Conceptual – the conceptual person likes change, prefers doing new projects rather than routine and is a good problem solver. But this personality may lead to them re-inventing the wheel, when the wheel works fine. And whilst they show energy in starting new projects, they typically aren’t so good at finishing them.
Social – the social person needs to work with people and is a good team worker, notices people’s moods and is sensitive to others. But they may be too ready to be helpful and say yes! They will say yes to everything, which can be a problem if they already have enough work to do and then accept more, resulting in quality dipping, or they are late to leave the office.
Our personalities have a huge impact on how we go about our work. Learning about ourselves can be a great first step in taking control of time. Explore some of the background reading we recommend to our time management training
Time Management Training Client Case Studies
Client Case Study - example
The Charity Aid Foundation connects donations with charities, transforming the way donations are made online.
The team we worked with service clients both internally and externally. And whilst resources are limited there is no shortage of demands on their time.
Their manager noticed how busy the team had become and asked ITD to help with time management training to ensure the team were equipped to handle the amount of work they had.
The team have found increased demand for their services by external and internal clients. With increased demand comes increased pressure as the team want to maintain their high quality of service.
The team manager recognised the team’s commitment to quality and increasing quantity of work. The need to be as efficient as possible became very visible. The needs for training can be summarised as; The ability to manage expectations of less urgent requests but relatively demanding individuals; To ensure work is being managed as efficiently as possible in its flow through the department; To give each individual a look in the mirror on their skills and personal and inter-personal efficiency. ITD’s problem solving workshop approach to time management training was felt to be ideal.
We designed a one day time management training session to be based on discussion, individual tasks and team work. Follow up was a session where each individual presented the results of implementing their actions to their manager and the training consultant. Content of the training was based on the individual’s challenges and pressures brought into the training room. The session looked to answer the participants’ challenges including:
- How do I manage someone’s expectations who is quite pushy?
- What can I do to become more efficient?
- How do I prioritise seemingly similar work?
- How can I do my job in work hours and leave without feeling guilty?
Subjects covered:
- Uncovering the underlying issues behind time management challenges.
- Your job role and your objectives.
- Prioritising theories applied to your work.
- Managing interruptions politely.
- Assertiveness applied to internal clients, colleagues and our line manager.
- Managing emails.
- Planning your day, week, month.
- Reducing stress.
- Taking control of your work flow.
- Managing meetings efficiently.
- How to reduce the number of meetings you go to.
The main outcomes of this session were:
- Each person gained valuable tips and ideas on how they could improve through the time management training
- The team learnt new ways of becoming more assertive with clients.
- Each participant discussed their personal challenges in an open learning atmosphere which lead to real progress in exploring their work style.
- The team found new ways of becoming more efficient.
Participant Feedback
- “Very good time management training which really showed me how to become more efficient”
- “I learnt about how being assertive can help me and help the client”
- “It’s amazing how just seemingly quite small training tips can have a big impact on my time”
Client Comment
- “I am really pleased with the training and the value my guys have got from it” CAF Team Manager.
- “ITD did exactly what I asked of them and more, and my internal client is very happy.” CAF Training Manager.
Training Follow Up
Our WhatsApp WorkCoach follow up to training gives you access to the trainer after the course. Just send a voice note or message with your query and get a timely response.