Virtual Presentation Skills Course

Our Virtual Presentation Skills Course is tailored to the needs of the client and focussed on upskilling the participants to deliver engaging presentations through Zoom, Teams etc. To see full details just read more about the virtual course here.

Amazing Feedback

The ITD Virtual Presentation Skills Course gets consistently high praise from participants. Just take a look at the reviews below, or read more reviews here.

See more details of our virtual presentation skills training course. 

Virtual presentation skills course feedback

We ask each participant for their immediate feedback at the end of each course, so that we can learn from their thoughts. We then ask for their written feedback by email which is then published on this website, so that we get both their first observations and their considered opinion.

The World of Virtual Training Changed

In March 2020 the world changed and we changed with it. Although we delivered our first virtual training session over ten years ago, we had to step up fast. That meant making sure the training we offered was relevant and tailored to the needs of the market.


Virtual presenting

How did the market change?

In just a few short weeks we recognised that everyone’s presentations needed to reflect the new reality. Here are some of our observations:

Shorter attention span

People’s attention span became shorter. Your need to get your message quickly and concisely because other things might take their attention. And those things might be work related or home related. Pets, family, colleagues, messages, social media, the list is long, which means you have to work even harder than with a captive audience in the same room.

Relavance to the audience

Your message has to be directly relevant to the audience in front of you, every one of them. That’s because they have the option of zoning out, or doing something else. So you have to make yourself the most interesting thing in front of them.

Engaging & involving

One of the biggest differences we observe is in the need to engage and activly involve your audience throughout the presentation. This means considering what you want your audience to be doing or thinking at every step. With every slide you need to work out how you want to involve your audience.

Conclusions for our virtual presentation skills course

In conclusion, my observation is that all of us who deliver virtual presentations, need to take a long hard look at our skills and our content. We need to be brutal with the content to make sure it’s relevant and engaging. And we need to improve our skills because presenting virtually is a whole new ball game.

For details of our online presentation skills training including presenting virtually go to

Amazing Feedback for our Virtual Presentation Skills Course