What is the difference between leadership and management and why does it matter to every team leader or manager?
The difference between management and leadership is that where leadership is concerned with the culture of an organisation or a team, management is concerned with the more detailed behaviours of the members of that organisation or team. Both have an impact on performance and results.

Many Managers or Team Leaders tend to manage far more than they lead. Whilst effective in some situations, managing situations can sometimes not solve them.

Leadership looks more at the underlying reasons why there is an issue. So where management tends to deal with issues, leadership deals with the underlying issue.



Anyone in a management or leadership role.


Two days

Typical Agenda

  • Introduction & Objectives
  • Personal Challenges
  • Leadership defined & Management defined
  • Are our challenges about Management or Leadership?
  • When do we need to Lead and when do we need to Manage?
  • Why we lead and why we manage
  • Personal situations
  • Practice scenarios

Pre workshop activity

Participants complete a short questionnaire on the challenges they face in their role.

Post workshop activity

  • Participants leave with personal actions
  • Email follow up to participants reminding them of their actions
  • Optional follow up WebEx conference call
  • Optional 121 coaching
  • ITD blog with further tips and ideas


Client  feedback

  • “The training did exactly what I wanted it to and we are seeing signs of the change we need.”

Participant  feedback

  • “Very interesting.”
  • “I had not looked at leadership in this way before.”
  • “The difference between leading and managing is very distinct now and hugely important.”
  • “It has totally changed how I view my role; I am a leader first and a manager second.”




GlobalCollect started in 1994 as a division of TNT in order to add value to its distribution services by enabling international publishers to invoice worldwide as well as to accept payments in local currencies.  As a result, GlobalCollect managed to establish a unique worldwide financial network, which enabled customers to outsource their entire collection and reconciliation process.


The management level included both team leaders and Vice Presidents. As the business grows the challenges for these people in terms of both managing and leading also grows.


To give the participants clear ideas on the difference and impact of leadership and management.



We developed a programme suing a blend of instruction, discussion, team activities and practice.

Introductions & objectives
Challenges of being a leader

Session 1 – Leadership & Management
How can we differentiate between the two?
What are the implications?
Leadership issues & Management issues
Best Leader, Best Manager

Session 2 – Personal Leadership Style
What is our personal style of leadership?
The reports; introduction, how to read them and understand their implications
Personal leadership style model

Session 3 – Team Culture
What is the culture in the team?
How can we be sure we know what the culture is today and what impact this has on efficiency?
Implementing the company culture

Session 4 – Motivation
What motivates & de-motivates us?



By the end of the workshop participants had:

  • Considered their definition of leadership & management and the implications of these
  • Reflected on their role as a leader
  • Considered how to create the ‘right’ culture
  • Developed individual action plans

What the participants said

  • “I have implemented the ideas from the training and my life has completely changed. Before I was working late all the time, I was very stressed. Now everything organised much better, my team are motivated and I am very happy with my role.”
  • “Excellent training.”


Leadership and Management