Introduction to management training – ITD
Introduction to management training is essential for any new manager or team leader. Promoting people to a role of management requires training to ensure a good start is made.
This workshop is ideal for those who are new to management and those who wish to refresh their approach.
Introduction to management training in 2015
Introduction to management training is a great way to start your managerial responsibilities. Managing people is one of the most challenging roles to get right. This workshop gives participants a foundation in the skills, processes and frameworks necessary for success.
Going from a role which rewards us for own efforts to one that rewards for the efforts of others, helps to describe the differences in becoming a manager. Managing people is a very diverse function. The challenges change every day and with the diversity of the team. Our approach to management training helps to unscramble this and give a sound basis for success.
Introduction to management training from ITD
Introduction to management training includes the ITD Management Dashboard. The ITD Management Dashboard gives the new manager a clear overview of what they need to be mindful of every day.
This is a practical approach with participants working on their own challenges, their own teams and their own interpersonal dynamics.
Typical challenges of participants on our introduction to management training
- “I want a solid foundation of what to do as a manager.”
- “My colleagues are now my team and I would like to know how to manage this situation.”
- “This is my first management role and I need to get it right from the start.”
- “I have been a manager for about a year, but have had no training, so I would like to learn what I am doing right and where I could improve.”
How do we adapt the training to suit your needs?
- We listen to your training and organisational needs. We talk about the development needs of your people and from there we design a training agenda.
- We discuss the agenda and look at the examples, cases studies and exercises proposed in the training.
- We deliver the training in line with your needs and those of the participants in the introduction to management training workshop.

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Introduction to management training – overview
This section gives an outline of our approach and what is involved in our introduction to management training, and if you have any questions, please call us.
Pre workshop activity
- Meeting to discuss the participant’s needs and those of the organisation
- Draft workshop outline tailored to your needs
- Agreement of agenda
- Participants complete a short questionnaire and read the ITD Work Style Model in preparation for the workshop.
- Two to three days, or in one day sessions.
Typical Agenda
- Introductions & objectives
- Personal experiences of management; the best & the worst
- Personal challenges of management
- The organisation’s expectations
- Your client’s (internal or external) expectations
- Your team’s expectations
- The ITD Management Dashboard
- Setting boundaries
- Managing expectations
- Motivating each individual and the team
- Creating a team culture
- Performance management
- Running successful 121s
- Running successful team meetings
- Managing issues
- Counselling team members
- Discipline in the team
- Personal actions
Post workshop activity
- Participants leave with individual actions
- Email follow up of personal action plans
- Suggested conversation with their line manager on their actions
- Optional WebEx conference call follow up on these actions
- Optional 121 coaching
- ITD blog with further tips and suggestions

Client feedback
- “The management programme is getting excellent feedback and we’re really pleased with the results.”
Participant comments
- “Very useful training with practical ideas that help me in my job.”
- “I liked the fact that it was centred around my role and my challenges.”
To receive the ITD tip sheet on management just sign up here
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To explore how your managers could benefit from our introduction to management training call +44 (0)800 804 8086
Introduction to management – case study
International business with offices in 10 countries in Europe, which requires a consistent approach in how managers manage their teams.
This business has a large group of managers across a wide range of functions, with broad variations in the number of people they manage, their responsibilities and their experience. With huge amounts of change occurring, the requirement was to give input on their skills and help them cope with the dynamic environment in which they were working.
Give the mangers increased confidence so that they can manage their teams in order to achieve objectives.
The solution included a series of workshops covering distinct management areas, but which linked together by having the same participants in each group, as well as reporting back on agreed actions from the previous session.
The participants were encouraged to buddy up with a colleague to discuss developments between workshops.
For each session the participants were encouraged to bring actual examples of difficult situations for discussion. The idea being that they left each workshop with ideas on how to approach actual scenarios which they had previously found particularly challenging.

Excellent feedback from participants not just after the workshops but 3 & 6 months afterwards to say that they had applied the ideas, that they worked and most importantly they felt more able to cope with the role of managing, especially through so much change.
What the participants said
- “Very useful training with practical ideas that help me in my job.”
- “I gained good ideas to implement in my role tomorrow.”
- “Good ideas from the trainer to help with my challenges.”

To explore how your organisation could benefit from our Introduction to management training call +44 (0)800 804 8086
Why choose ITD for your Introduction to Management training?

1. We design your introduction to management training to suit your needs and those of the participants.
2. Our training style is a blend of introducing ideas and coaching to help the participants gain the most from the investment.
3. Our training consultants create an open and productive atmosphere in which to learn and reflect.

4. Our training is designed around the needs of the participants and their day to day work, ensuring they get ideas which they can use straight away.
5. Our flexible approach to fees means we can work with you to fit within your budgets.
6. We support learning before and after the workshop with our blog, emails and optional one to one coaching.
