Stating that our service excellence training will help you give outstanding customer service is no surprise. But how we do it will give you a refreshing way to look at things.
Service excellence training
Our experience of service
We’re always being told to give outstanding service. We’re told that service is everything and that we need to focus on the service we give. But what is outstanding service?
Let’s take a look at the service we receive from our ‘service providers’. If we call a helpdesk from anything from a Bank to a product we have purchased, what would be outstanding service? Getting through to a human being in under a minute would be pretty good. The person listening to us and not trying to ‘process’ us would be good too.
Our expectation these days might be that it will be difficult getting through to anyone and that if we do it is unlikely to be the right person and that they are unlikely to listen to what we really want. In other words our expectations are at a particular level based on our previous experience. If the service we receive is above that expectation then we perceive this to be good. To be outstanding it would need to be some way above our expectations.
The key to outstanding service
The key to outstanding service is to go beyond a person’s expectations. And to do this we must first understand what their expectations are.
Looking at the role of a Secretary or PA what are the elements of the service we give which may be measured by our clients.
Speed is one. How fast we are at delivering a piece of work, or a task, or at providing a reply to a query will contribute to how our service is perceived. Whatever the client’s expectations are in terms of speed, in order to give outstanding service we need to exceed their expectations.
Working out and exceeding our client’s expectations is key to giving outstanding service.
Think about your internal and external clients and consider their expectations of you and the service you offer. What factors do they expect, or put another way what do they expect as a minimum?
How does our service excellence training help?
Our training helps in a number of ways, including in diagnosing the opportunity. Firstly we give you tools to help you look at the experience your customers receive from their point of view. Secondly we giev that view more context by exploring their experience with your competitors. And that doesn’t just mean your market competitors it means other suppliers who they may be comparing you to. The third step we give words to describe their experiences and their expectations. Next we look at the touch points where your customers interact with your organisation. Finally we identify the areas for improvement.
What will you learn?
Following the diagnostic stage is the skills stage. Now we know what you need to do differently we explore how to do it. Scenario roleplays form a key part of this because nothing works quite so well as actually saying the words. Theory is fine but doing it is much better.
As a result of our service excellence training you will gain better insight into the view of your customers and a clear action plan of what to do next. This means the training will have direct impact on your business and customers.
More about our service excellence training
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