Cristiano Ronaldo is a footballer, playing for Real Madrid & the Portugese national team. Last week he was awarded the Ballon D’Or award for best player of the year in the world. In 2013 he scored 62 goals in 52 games for club and country.
He is one of the best free kick takers in the world, can shoot with both feet, is a superb header of the ball, can run at speed with the ball at his feet and just keeps scoring goals. But what can us mere mortals learn from Cristiano Ronaldo?
Looking behind the headlines, he is first on the training ground and last off, that is, he practices his craft. Even when he became a good footballer he still kept on practising, kept on trying to learn how to do it better. The best don’t just practice until they get it right, they practice until they can only get it right.
He set himself the objective of becoming the best footballer in the world. A clear objective drives performace.
He never settles, he always drives for more. A relentless drive for improvement creates new goals and new achievements.
We can learn a lot from those in other areas of life who achieve excellence, like Cristiano Ronaldo.

What can Cristiano Ronaldo teach us about personal development?
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