Sales tip – take a look for what you know, but are not doing.
Knowing isn’t doing. Just because we know it doesn’t mean we do it. This seems to be true for all of us, but perhaps particularly true for sales people.
Sales people by nature seem to be more active, enjoy change, like meeting people, enjoy a challenge, are competitive. But give them a routine and most will do it for a while, but then it will fade. Well we can’t all be good at everything.
One way of accepting this and doing something about it is to remind sales people about what they already know.
We can repackage it, or not. But reminding sales people of the basics, of stuff they know and we know they know, is not a problem, because they also know they don’t always do it. As long as we put the idea in a slightly different or new way to help delivery, they will usually accept the point.
So repetition with sales people is fine. It works so long as we don’t pretend we’re saying something totally new. And it’s necessary to ensure they remember to do it.
This can be achieved through training, or simply through self reflection, or by using a coaching checklist.