presenting with impact virtually

Presenting with impact virtually training gives you practical ideas to improve your impact.

Presenting with Impact Virtually

Our Presenting with Impact Virtually online session is a virtual training workshop. It gives you ideas to consider when presenting over the internet rather than in-person. This is a practical session with participants discussing their presentations throughout. The workshop can be run as a one off to give participants key ideas. Or it can be a series of more developmental sessions. Each session lasts from between 60 minutes to three hours. We use Zoom or your preferred online platform.

Workshop options

You can buy this training as either a standalone workshop, or with a follow up session, including one-to-one coaching.

Standalone Workshop

The workshop covers all the elements listed below. This gives participants many ideas on how to present professionally in the virtual world. The workshop style means there is plenty of discussion and some time for one to one feedback on the use of video, voice, creating impactful content and answering all your questions.

One-to-One Coaching

If you go for the follow up session this also includes a one-to-one coaching conversation between the training consultant and each particpant. This helps to develop skills and improves confidence.

Follow up Workshop

The follow up session sees the particpants implement the actions they took from the first workshop. They present their content and receive developmental feedback from the training consultant.

Objective of this Online Workshop

The objectives of the session is to provide ideas and guidance on how to present virtually, or online, whether this be to colleagues, seniors, or clients. This is done through a coaching style with suggestions and ideas, demonstrated by the training consultant.

It also aims to answer questions participants have on how to present virtually.

Workshop Style

The session is delivered in a workshop style with interaction, discussion and practise. It is even more important with online learning that the participants are engaged. This is because there are so many possible distractions including social media, emails, other people in close proximity, dogs, cats, children and many more.


Presenting with Impact Virtually - Agenda

The differences of presenting virtually

The size of the challenge; making preparation and practice even more important.

Voice; ensuring you are heard clearly

Reflecting on accent, speed and pace. How to moderate clarity of delivery, speed and pace.

Using video; where to look and the importance of facial body language.

Impact of using your video; how close to sit; your background & lighting; eye contact; open body language.

Language; avoiding complex words and phrases; tailoring to your audience.

The importance of simple language on video calls is discussed in the context of your market. Common examples/pitfalls of words and language that may be too complex are explored. Our idea of Neutral Positioning is introduced. The use of acronyms is explored.

presenting with impact virtually

Using slides; content, images and how to use them as supports to your personal impact.

Striping down your talk when presenting virtually; less text, bullet point language, use of images, space for participants to write on your slides, or contribute in other ways.

Sharing your screen; keeping the content relevant and useful

Keeping it brief and directly relevant to each participant; the ‘So What’ test. Using white board to get involvement.

Content volume; how to keep your content concise & to the point

The reality of presenting virtually = it has to be brief, to the point, logical and engaging. Using the structure and objective of your talk to make it brief and impactful.

Presenting virtually has its own challenges; the training and our learning videos explain how to overcome these challenges.

Engaging your audience; how to make your content relevant and keep them involved

How to introduce your talk with relevance to each member of your audience. Using rhetorical questions. Using questions to structure your talk. Introducing the idea of your questions to specific people at the start of your talk.

Housekeeping; ‘rules’ of online meetings

Deciding on the ‘rules/requests’ of your meeting; mute when not speaking, use of video etc. Use of group chat.

Handling questions; basic question handling, to handling difficult questions

Process for handling any question. Option of writing questions on a whiteboard. What to do when you get a question you do not know the answer to. How to handle questions which are outside the scope of the agenda.

Tailored to your needs

Our workshops are tailored to your needs, at no extra cost. Please contact us to discuss your training needs and what you would like this online workshop to give your people.

Client Case Studies

Enquire about our Presenting with Impact Virtually Training