Virtual Presenting Training
The Charity Commission for England and Wales is the non-ministerial government department that regulates registered charities in England and Wales and maintains the Central Register of Charities.
Like many other organisations the Charity Commission had to adjust working online, which included presenting virtually. The team we worked with has responsibilty for faith based charities.
The need was to help develop the virtual presentation skills of the participants. This specifically meant in presenting to faith organisations with complex discussions about issues such as charity guidelines and financial requirements.
We designed and delivered a virtual training session with the content tailore for the commission and the participants.
The content was tailored to the commission by using their presentations as examples in the session.
Pre-course activity included completion of the Work Style Model questionnaire.
The agenda included:
- Introduction & personal objectives.
Differences of presenting virtually. - Challenges in presenting virtually.
- Using Slides/Content
- The role of slides.
- Be brief, focussed, logical & engaging.
- Slide design & structure.
- Voice
- Moderating; speed, pace & accent.
- Using Video
- Impact of using video.
- Positioning, lighting & background.
- Eye contact & body language.
- Language
- The need for simpler messages &
simpler language. - Common pitfalls to avoid.
- Role of personality in presenting
- ITD Work Styles Model.
- Mirroring or adapting your presentation.
- Summary & personal actions
Each participant had the opportunity to discuus their development needs with the trainer. From this they completed the training with specific actions to implement.
Participant Feedback
“Excellent training session.”
“Thank you. The facilitated discussion was very valuable.”
Client Comment
“Just to say that the training was excellent, not just the session itself, but all your prep to help us. Thank you very much.”