nudge staff training

This is a case study of how we designed and delivered a Nudge Workshop for TVBC (Test Valley Borough Council) Here’s what happened:

  1. Initial contact came through our website at
  2. Conversations with TVBC were based on the needs of the organisation and what Nudge could offer to help staff working in different departments. 
  3. We sent the participants a pre-workshop one pager to gain their specfiic needs, and from this developed a workshop outline.
  4. The outline was discussed, developed and agreed with the course sponsor.
  5. The twelve participants brought specific challenges/situations into the workshop. They wanted to see how Nudge might be able to help with these.
  6. The workshop was faciltated as a discussion where ideas were introduced, explained and illustrated. These ideas were then applied to the participants’ situations through small group discussion.
  7. Each participant had the opportunity to discuss their sitaution a number of times and they left the session with the following
    1. A better understanding of what Nudge is.
    2. How Nudge can be broken down into a number of applicable ideas.
    3. An action plan of how they were going to use Nudge with their challenges.
  8. The feedback was outstanding read more here…
"The whole session was incredibly helpful, really practical information that we have already started to use in our work. I found it especially useful to use real work examples which allowed us to see very literally how we could apply the learning to the things we were working on. The whole session had a good atmosphere and really supported people to offer their ideas but also being challenged on what we already do, very valuable."
Nudge Theory Seminar
Nudge Theory Seminar
Nudge Workshop
Nudge Training Workshop
Nudge Course
Nudge Training Course
nudge theory examples public sector
Nudge in the Public Sector