nudge theory examples public sector

Reviews of our Nudge training in the public sector

The whole session was incredibly helpful, really practical information that we have already started to use in our work. I found it especially useful to use real work examples which allowed us to see very literally how we could apply the learning to the things we were working on. The whole session had a good atmosphere and really supported people to offer their ideas but also being challenged on what we already do, very valuable.
Hollie French
Senior Policy Officer, Test Valley Borough Council
Great Nudge event! Martin joined Hackney’s HR, OD and Elections teams for a fantastic introduction to Nudge. I am very grateful for how Martin tailored the event for us, we learned a lot and will be implementing some Nudge techniques. Great and engaging
Astrid Keogh
Senior HR and OD at London Borough of Hackney

What is Nudge?

Nudge is an influencing strategy. We apply Nudge Theory to public sector everyday business situations. That means we use Nudge as a method for influencing people in a subtle way. It is not about telling people what to do. It’s a way to help people choose the behaviour you would like them to choose. We’ve got various Nudge theory examples in the public sector.

Nudge Theory Examples in the Public Sector

There are two ways to apply Nudge in the Public Sector; Public Policy and Internal Working. We can help with both. Employing Nudge ideas to influence decision making in public policy is sometimes about deciding on what not to do, as much as what to do. Our Nudge Audit ideas are key here, to review how things are organised currently.

How do you apply Nudge to everyday working situations and challenges? Our workshops are a blend of training and discussion to see how Nudge ideas apply to your situations. We find practical solutions, but these will need to be tested. As with all Nudge ideas, testing is crucial.

Public Sector Challenges

Perhaps even more so than other sectors, the public sector is one where we cannot tell people what to do. We need to encourage, persuade and influence. Nudge fits right into this need. It is an ideal strategy for subtle influencing. 

Typical challenges Nudge Theory examples can help with:
Nudge Theory Seminar
Nudge 90 Minute Seminar
Nudge Workshop
Half Day Workshop
Nudge training - door
Nudge Training
Nudge Course
Nudge Course
nudge consultancy
Nudge Consultancy

Nudge Thoery Examples Training

We have developed Nudge Training based on Nudge theory. We apply these amazing ideas to people’s everyday work situations and challenges. Read more on our Nudge Training.

Client Review

Martin joined Hackney’s HR, OD and Elections teams for a fantastic introduction to Nudge. I am very grateful for how Martin tailored the event for us, we learned a lot and will be implementing some Nudge techniques. Great and engaging delivery style! I highly recommend Martin if you’re looking for something similar and we look forward to working with him again.
Astrid Keogh
London Borough of Hackney

Nudge Theory Seminar

Our Nudge Seminar is a high impact, fast moving session. This means the participants will be gaining ideas on how to use Nudge in their everyday lives. Read more on our Nudge Seminar.

Nudge theory applied to your organisation

Whichever session you think is appropriate from short seminar to full day, we will design and apply the content to suit your needs. This makes the session that much more relevant for the participants. At ITD we have been applying ideas to participants’ challenges for over 20 years, making training sessions like an extension of work. You learn whilst you work, by discussing real situations in the workshop.

To talk to us about Nudge please call us on +44 (0)800 804 8086