
Workshop Overview

Associates / Senior Associates – Turning Network Contacts into Business.

The workshop focuses on how lawyers can follow up on introductions made socially or through business networking. The objective is to move the contact forward in the sales process; from gaining a lead to another contact in the prospect’s organisation, through to arranging a business meeting with the contact.




Pre workshop activity

  • Meeting to discuss the participant’s needs and those of the organisation
  • Draft workshop outline tailored to your needs
  • Agreement of agenda
  • Participants complete a short questionnaire and read the ITD Work Style Model in preparation for the workshop.


  • Half a day.


Typical Agenda

  • Introduction and Objectives
  • Challenging the preconceptions of lawyers
  • The sales process
  • Managing sales time
  • Prospect database & keeping content up to date with prompts for contact
  • Using Linked In
  • Skills:
    Awareness of personality types
    Communication skills framework
    Benefits of contact from the prospect’s perspective
    Questioning & listening
    Partnership language
    Networking with a potential client

  • Making the follow up call & email
  • Personal scenarios & practice
  • Summary of workshop
  • Personal action plans

Post workshop activity

  • Participants leave with individual actions
  • Email follow up of personal action plans
  • Suggested conversation with their line manager on their actions
  • Optional WebEx conference call follow up on these actions
  • Optional 121 coaching
  • ITD blog with further tips and suggestions


Client feedback

  • “The feedback from all the lawyers has been excellent.”
  • “The workshop style works particularly well with this course.”

Participant comments

  • “The trainer was very knowledgeable and answered all our questions.”
  • “Very useful and very practical.”
  • “All lawyers need to be better at the sales side and this course really helped me to know what to do and how to do it.”


Call or email ITD to explore how we can help your lawyers get better at following up on networking contacts




Turning Networking Into Business – Case Study

The Associates and Senior Associates in this firm are required to network and develop contacts. The training was designed for them to action follow up, but also how to approach business breakfasts and other semi-social introductions.


The lawyers involved in this training really know their law and are extremely competent at the legal part of thair work. But selling does not come naturally to them.


Simply to help the lawyers develop their awareness of selling and what to do in specific situations.


We put together a half day session with pre-work and follow up with an agenda similar to that above.

Specific situations were discussed and practised. But this was not formal structured role play just practice around the training table.



The main outcomes of this session were:

  • The lawyers learnt the fundamental of how to approach a business breakfast or similar situation.
  • They discussed their own very personal challenges.

What the participants said

  • “Very useful and very practical”
  • “I would recommend all our lawyers should do this training.”



Associates / Senior Associates – Turning Network Contacts into Business

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