Getting more impact from your training.
We all want to get the most impact from our training investment. We want to make the money we spend is spent effectively. That means idea taken from the training we organise, are implemented. The last thing we want to happen is google go on training and then don’t change anything about their approach.
One of the key positive influences on people’s success in any kind of behavioural change, including that following a training intervention, is the support and interest of their manager.
Ideally what is required is for the manager to discuss the training needs prior to a course, the objectives, what the participant wants to get out of it. And after the course to discuss what happened, what learning or reflections cam out of it and what support they need from the manager to help implement these ideas. In a positive sense this will have an impact on whether the participant is successful in implementing change. In a negative sense, if it’s not there then there is a lot less of a chance for change to happen.
Behavioural change research supports this very strongly. So we could say, if the manager doesn’t do this, why bother sending the person in the training. Far better to send the manager on training, or have a discussion with them on the importance of supporting their staff. Or make it a prerequisite of booking one of your team on training, that is, to have the kind of conversation outlined above.
It will mean there is more of a chance that impact is gained from the training.