Do you want to improve the performance of your sales team?

ITD help you to improve your sales people’s performance with high impact sales training designed to suit your business.

ITD’s approach is proven to work because we design training to help your sales people with the challenges they face in their day to day work.

Each participant leaves the training with specific actions to implement. And we help them put these actions into place with follow up support and coaching.

Our training consultants are experienced professionals who introduce practical ideas applied to your business. We create scenarios and case studies based on your business. Practice role plays are therefore relevant and very useful and can involve using actors to play customers.

Your sales people get ideas and help with their specific challenges, from our training consultant, so that they leave the training with ideas to implement immediately.

We get consistently high feedback from sales people who say that the training is very useful.

What our clients say:

“Really good ideas and very pactical training which has gieven me a lot to think about” Key Account Manager, SSE

“Challenges my approach to clients and gives me ideas on how I can improve the way I serve clients. I can’t wait to try these things.” Sales Representative, Norgine

Call us on +44 (0) 800 804 8086 to discuss your requirements

Sales roles we work with:

  • Account Managers
  • Key Account Managers
  • National Sales Managers
  • Sales Representatives
  • Business to Business Sales
  • Retail Sales
  • Pharmaceutical Sales
  • IT Sales
  • Sales Support
  • Sales Admin
  • Non Sales
  • Customer Services
  • After Sales

Our Trainers and Consultants have helped people from:

  • Avid Technologies
  • British Airways
  • Edmiston
  • Gilead Sciences
  • Global Collect
  • Lundbeck
  • Norgine Pharmaceuticals
  • NHS
  • OVL Group
  • Scottish & Southern Energy

Sales training designed to suit your needs

Your Sales Training with ITD will be designed to suit your business, your objectives & your people to ensure it works. Download a course guide.

We start with your objective and business challenges. We then discuss what approach might work with your people and what the outcomes of the training need to be.

  1. Discuss challenges, needs & business objectives
  2. Review possible training approaches
  3. Draft scenarios and role plays if appropriate
  4. Draft training content & review
  5. Pilot training
  6. Amend, tweak & roll out
  7. Review

Call us on +44 (0) 800 804 8086 to discuss your requirements

The ITD approach to working with your sales people:

  1. We work with the natural talents of your sales people
  2. We ensure the training fits your organisation’s culture and the leadership of your senior sales management people
  3. We never tell your sales people what to do, we might challenge, encourage, discuss or inspire, but not tell.
  4. We make sure we work within the context of your business, your market, your products and your customers

Some of the issues we typically help sales people with:

  • Achieving and exceeding their targets
  • Closing
  • Handling Objections
  • Handling Every Objection
  • Adapting their style to suit different types of people
  • Understanding different buyer types
  • Managing time
  • Not being distracted by service queries
  • Not being distracted with anything
  • Develop confidence with cold calling
  • Ring fence long term clients from competitor attack
  • Engaging with challenging contacts
  • Avoiding the boring presentation
  • How to make your sales presentation stand out
  • Ensuring you present what the prospect wants to hear
  • Improving listening skills
  • Improving questioning skills
  • Developing self image
  • Selling on the telephone

Sales Processes & Sales Skills

At ITD we can help you with sales processes and sales skills. We’re experienced and knowledgable enough to help across the range of sales disciplines.

Sales Processes – defining the ABC or 123 of how you sell

This can mean helping you to work out what the sales people should be douing & when. It might be helping to move the sales people away from servicing clients to more pure selling. It could mean defining a coaching checklist for use by the sales managers and the sales people.

Sales Skills – the skills your sales people need to perform

Developing their sales skills could cover a wide range from listening, questioning, presenting etc. It usually means developing skills they already have and helping them to think about these skills in a different way.

Telephone Sales Training

ITD’s approach to Telephone Sales Training gives you more business with live calls made in the workshop.

Download a course guide.

Consultative Sales Training

With ITD your Consultative Sales Training will really help develop your people’s skills, approach & results.

Download a course guide.

Sales Negotiation Skills Training

In our Sales Negotiation Skills Training your people will gain tools and techniques they can use immediately with great results.

Download a course guide.

Sales for Non Sales Training

ITD’s methods in Sales for Non Sales Training gives your people extra confidence.

Download a course guide.

Account Management Training

With our Account Management Training your sales people will develop a refreshing approach that works.

Download a course guide.

Call us on +44 (0) 800 804 8086 to discuss your requirements or click here to make an enquiry.