Personality Profile - Managing People Training
Our Personality Profile tool helps you to better understand your people and manage them more effectively.
Personality is the core driver of how we go about our work. Are you naturally meticulous with detail? Do you just want to get the task done as quickly as possible? Or perhaps you enjoy working with people and collaborating? Do you prefer blue sky thinking, problem solving and moving to the next new matter? Or maybe a combination of all of the above? To answer these questions we need to look at our personality.
Understanding ourselves, other people and the differences in our personalities at work is essential for success. The ITD Work Styles Model personality profile tool is easy to understand and simple to apply to everyday situations. This lively interactive workshop gives you a set of tools to apply to your work immediately. Profile
Training Workshop Outcomes
By the end of the workshop you will have:
- Developed a better understanding of the impact of personality at work; how this impacts your own work and the work of your team.
- Used the ITD Work Styles personality profile to frame your own personality and explain your approach to different tasks.
- Applied the model to explain the work behaviour of people in your teams.
- Considered actions to improve performance.
- Developed individual action plans.
Virtual Training or Live Training
This workshop can be delivered via Zoom, or your preferred virtual platform. It can alos be delivered live classroom style.
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Training Agenda
The following gives you an overview of this training. We adapt the content to suit your needs at no extra cost.
Introduction & Obectives
- Introduction to the workshop.
- Personal challenges.
- Background to the ITD Work Styles Personality Profile Model.
- Role of personality at work.
Personality in Communications
- ITD Work Styles Model Personality Profile model explained.
- Participants position themselves on the model & discuss the implications.
- Implications of the positions selected.
Impat of Personality at work
- Approach to personal work; emails, documents & people.
Personaliy in your Team Members
- Team assessment.
- How we delegate.
The Mindful Manager
- Adapting to other people.
- How we relate to others.
- Mirroring or adapting.
- Managing people differently.
Summary & Personal Actions
Virtual Workshop: 90 minutes to 3 hours
Live Workshop: 90 minutes to 3 hours.
Participants complete the ITD Work Styles Personality Profile online questionnaire. Click here to take the questionnaire.
One to one follow up, or coaching available on request.