How To Do More Networking
This How To Do More Networking Training has been designed specifically for lawyers and others in law firms, who need to do more networking. It is a realistic look at the challenges and gives practical solutions to get more done.
The Challenge
Some lawyers find networking easy and comfortable. Most do not. Many prefer doing anything but networking. Even time recording or invoicing is preferable.
Workshop Overview - A Behavioural Science Approach
Networking means meeting new contacts, some of whom have the potential to become clients.
In many law firms progression to a senior role requires lawyers to develop business within their practice area. To do this requires networking.
This short session is a workshop where lawyers take a behavioural look at their need to network. It is a practical review of what you need to do and most importantly how to put a realistic action plan in place.
Behavioural science is key here. Why, when we know there is something we need to do, and it’s good for us, don’t we do it?
This workshop reviews the behaviours required and helps each participant create realistic actions with the best chance for implementation.
The duration of the How To Do More Networking workshop can be guided by you. Often law firms will set a maximum time that is realistic to get lawyers onto this kind of session. Typically this is 90-minutes but might go to 2 hours.
Groups of 12 lawyers by level, or practice area. This can be a mixed group by level or practise group. Please bear in mind, the more similar the group, the more impact it can have. Read more on delivering training with impact.
The actual agenda for your session can be tailored to your needs and based on the following agenda.
- Your personal brand as a lawyer.
- The need to network.
- Why don't lawyers network.
- Understanding the behavioural science of networking.
- Creating a new habit of networking.
- Making Time to network.
- Targeting your time.
- What activity could you do?
- Action Planning.
Virtual or In-Person
This How To Do More Networking workshop can be effectively delivered in-person or virtually.
Tailoring the Training
This How to do more networking for lawyers training is tailored to suit the culture of your firm and the needs of the participants. This might be giving more emphasis on what to do and say at an event, and then how to follow up. Or, it might be on how to give time to networking and make the behavioural change necessary.
How To Do More Networking - Outcomes
By the end of the workshop participants will have:
- Reviewed their approach to networking.
- Identified realistic networking behaviours.
- Agreed specific networking actions and the support required to implement.
Martin recently conducted a training session on impactful presentations and shared some excellent tips. I appreciate his active engagement with the participants and the collaborated environment he fostered. He demonstated a strong uderstanding of the subject matter. I particularly enjoyed the emphasis on interactive activities.
Management coaching - High professional quality
With his experience and knowledge Martin tailored the training to be effective but also easy in incorporate new ideas and approaches.
Thank you!
I have really enjoyed the training given by Martin because it was interactive, dynamic, concise and he pointed out a number of essential issues on how to succeed in presenting virtually.
Excellent insights on Presenting with impact virtually
I had the pleasure to attend this training which was led by Martin Chapman.
Martin is a nice, very approachable and clear communicating trainer which gives good insights on the content of the training, welcoming everybody nicely and making sure people get evenly attention during the training.
Training has sufficient diversity when it comes to exercises and things to do in various ways which makes it interactive and nice as well.
It was a shame that not many people were sharing there camera’s more, even though it was encouraged by Martin.
There were many topics on the agenda and for me personally, the second half of the training rushed a bit too fast over many topics. I easily could have attended this meeting 30 minutes longer if that would mean less of a rush.
Overall, very satisfied and enough tools and techniques to improve skills on presenting with impact virtually.
Thanks Martin!
Excellent!! A++
I sincerely enjoyed the training I took with Martin on presenting virtually. Highly recommend!