Business development seminar training
Dentons is a multinational law firm. Dentons was the world’s 5th-largest law firm by revenue, with $2.9B gross revenue in fiscal year 2019. The firm is called Dentons in all languages other than Chinese, in which it is called 大成.
Once a year major law firms or practice areas in law firms take a day or two to get together, share ideas, participate in training and engage in team working. This law firm involved lawyers from offices in Middle East including Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Riyadh, and Qatar.
In every law firm lawyers could benefit from training on business development. This session needed to be applicable to a variety client cultures, countries and a range of legal practice areas.
The firm wanted to add to the knowledge of the lawyers in one aspect of BD, that of understanding personalities.
Tailored solution
We created a session tailored to this market and the needs of the lawyers.
The concise session started with putting the idea of personality differences within the context of BD and working with clients. It introduced the ITD work style model, a simple model which describes quickly and efficiently the differences we express in our approaches to work. It the involved lawyers working in teams to firstly assess their own position on the model, and to comment on their colleagues round the table. We then moved on to look at anonymous generic clients and prospects. The different approaches preferred by the different styles was explored and applied to live situations.
Participant feedback
“Very useful to have a framework to understand prospects and clients.”
“Great fun and it shows how we all think we’re right, but then are other ‘rights’!”
“Perfect length of session, with good ideas and applied to our market.”
“Very interesting and I’m going to use these ideas with my husband!”
Client feedback
The HR and Marketing Heads were delighted with the training, as were the Managing Partner and visiting Marketing Director