Resilience Training
Our Resilience Training workshop will give you a better understanding of resilience and how to develop it. That’s because we work with you on real life examples from your own experience. This page gives you details about our training and what you will gain from it. If you have any questions please contact us.
What is Resilience
Resilience is about your ability to bounce back following significant adversity. It means getting back to where you were before the adverse event happened. Some definitions take it one step further. They say that resilience is about improving after the adverse event. So, we can say resilience is at least about carrying on after something bad happens, and can mean becoming even better because of the bad event.
Is resilience a trait or a state
The research tells us that resilience can be learnt. Based on this we can say that resilience is a state we can get into not merely a natural trait. That means we can become resilient if we are not natutally resilient. Having said that some people are bound to be naturally better at it than others, just like any other skill. Because it is a skill, this means resilience can be learnt and developed, hence this resilience training workshop.
What is resilience training
Resilience training is about three things. Firstly raising your awareness of what resilience is and why it matters. Secondly resilience training is about learning the skills of resilience. And lastly it is about working out how you can improve your resilience.
What is the workshop element of this resilience training
We have designed this session, like most of our training, as a workshop. This means that you will be engaged and involved all the way through, on applying the ideas to your own situations. So for example, when we look at the Triggers of Resilience, you will reflect on what the likely triggers are in your world.

Training Contents
The details below give you an overview on what is included in our resilience training.
Resilience defined
We start the session by agreeing a definiton of resilience. This is important because there are over 114 definitions available. The general definiton we work with is, ‘the ability to recover, carry on and possibly improve, following significant adversity.’
The last part of this is whether resilience includes improving as a result of adversity, or just bouncing back to where you were before.
Resilience triggers
Resilience triggers are those things which can or might cause significant adversity. Some say that this does not include job ambiguity or work overload, but we discuss this in the training. And we explore your personal triggers, how to identify them early and possible actions to take when they do occur.
Your reaction to significant adversity
It’s important to reflect on your current reaction to adversity. To answer the question, what happens when significant adversity occurs. We consider that you have three possible options on how to respond; To Falter, To Survive or To Grow. This means the event could cause a bad reaction. Or if you are resilient it means you carry on, in one way or another. The third reaction is that you learn from the event and improve. We explore these different reactions, the evidence for each and possible actions to take.
Self-efficacy is about your self belief and in this case to what degree you believe you can overcome significant adverse events, whatever they might be. We explore what this means, the implications and how you can develop self-efficacy.

Prepare your Life Boat
We use the term life boat for your reaction to the adverse event. The idea being that when these things happen, you have a planned and prepared response framework to hand. To this you add the details as they are required for the specific situation you are facing. That means what goes into your life boat. Once you’ve prepared, you then launch your life boat!
Your Resilience Plan
A key part of the resilience training is your resilience plan. This means the details of what you are going to do as a result of the adverse event.
We go through the key parts of the plan:
SITUATION – What is the situation?
PERSPECTIVE – Have I really understood?
OPTIONS – What options do I have?
ANALYSIS – What are the +/- of each option?
DECISION – What’s my decision?
Mental Wealth
The idea of Mental Wealth is one we have been developing over the last few years.
In a similar way to how financial wealth helps us to cope with financial downs. Mental wealth is the accumulation of mental support to help us cope with difficult events. It means our mental support system, or network.
We explore and apply the idea to your situation.
Bounce Back Buddy
The research tells us that having a bounce back buddy helps us and the buddy to better cope with adverse situations. The training explores the attributes and requirements of such a buddy, so that you have a clear idea of what someone would need, if they were to be your bounce back buddy.
The Role of Your Manager
A crucial part of resilience is played by your manager. Research tells us that the support of your manager can make all the difference. Not to say it isn’t possible to be resilient without managerial support, it is just easier to do so with them behind you.
Practicing Resilience
We select scenarios together to practice resilience. Working in small groups you plan and practice what a resilient response looks like in different work situations. This means you are better able to implement such a response when it happens back in the work place.
Personality & Resilience
Personality can be an indicator of resilience. Take our personality questionnaire to get some ideas on these aspects. Go to Work Styles Model for more details. Doing this, means you will gain a better understanding of the possible personality drivers of resilience.
Personal Actions
To conclude, we close the resilience training workshop with a summary of each person’s actions. This will include areas you want to think more about and things you want to implement straight away.

Resilience Training details
The following section gives you details of how this training is organised, so that you have a better overview of the impact of the training. For further details, please contact us.
Virtual & Live Training
You can choose whether to have this training online as a virtual training session, or to go into a live classroom. Either way the training will be highly engaging and you will be involved in discussion all the way through. With virtual training we work even harder to make sure you are engaged throughout the session. That’s because we know how easy it is to be distracted by emails, messages, colleagues, pets or kids. We make sure we’re the most interesting thing going on in your room. Take a look at our reviews to see how well we do at this.
The session duration is flexible to fit your needs. It can last from 90 minutes to three hours. This depends on a number of factors, including; firstly how much detail you want to go into; how much discussion you would like the participants to have and then lastly, how much time you would like us to dedicate in applying each idea to the participants and their personal situations.
Number of Participants
The number of participants can vary from 6 to 12 in a single workshop. The more people, the less time each individual has to discuss their situations. But balanced with that is the need for cost effectiveness. For virtual training between 6 and 10 people works well.
The date for your training entirely depends on when you would like it to happen. Simply make an enquiry below and we’ll look at the possibilties and get straight back to you.
The cost of the session depends on the number of participants and the number of sessions. We will give you a cost when you reach out to us with an enquiry.
Enquire about our Resilience Training
Training Tailored to Your Needs