Problem Solving Training
Our problem solving training is delivered in a workshop style where we focus on those problems you have faced, are facing, or will face in the future. This means that whilst learning some of the theories of problem solving, they are reviewing their actual work scenarios.
What is a problem
One definition of a problem is, “a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome.” Another definition is, “a work situation where the solution, or next step is not immediately obvious, or needs careful consideration.”
This training helps to give you strategies and tactics to deal with these situations.
Virtual Training or Classroom Training
Our problem solving training is delivered as either an online virtual session using Zoom, Teams etc. Or it is delivered in the classroom.
Training tailored to the participants
We tailor our training to the client and the particular circumstances of the participants in the workshop.
Lawyers are seen as a distinct group in that they have an advisory role with clients, colleagues and seniors, as well as a responsibility for the work output of juniors. Others in a professional services firm can be considered similar, although there may be important distinctions.
Typical Problems:
- Client perceptions of a situation differ from the legal reality.
- Client requests on timescale for a matter, or part of a matter, do not match reality.
- A more senior lawyer’s strategy may have better alternatives.
- Complex legal detail.
- Complex multi-jurisdictional transaction.
Our probelm solving training starts with the participants’ problems, to which we add other classic lawyer challenges. We work through these using the strategies and tactics in the agenda to develop real time solutions.
Managers we define as those with responsibility for the work output of others, as well as responsibility for ‘hiring and firing’ those people.
Typical Problems:
- Inheriting people to manage who you would not hire.
- HR related challenges, many and varied.
- Poor performance.
- Employee does not seem to care about the quality of their work.
- Employee starting work late.
We encourage the managerial participants to bring their real problems into the session. Using the strategies on the agenda we work through each person’s challenges and develop possible solutions.
Supervisors are defined as those who have responsibility for the work output and development of others, without necessarily being responsible for their recruitment.
Typical Problems:
- Juniors do other seniors work before yours.
- Poor quality of work.
- Lack of experience of a junior.
Using previous, classic supervisor challenges and those of the participants, we develop possible solutions.
Project Leaders
Project leaders are a distint group as we define these as having responsibility for the work output, but often no responsibility, or direct line managerial oversight for those people. Often the people being managed will be in different locations and countries.
Typical Problems:
- Team member does not deliver work on time.
- Deadlines slip.
- Cient, internal or external, has unrealitic expectations.
- Costs v budget do not match, or grow in disparity.
Participants are encouraged to bring their project management challenges into the session for discussion. This means we can develop practical, real solutions for each of these problems.

Problem Solving Training: pre-workshop
Participants answer a few short questions online, about the typical or actual problems they would like to focus on in the training.
The following gives you an overview of the agenda of our problem solving training. This is tailored to suit the needs of the client and of the participants.
Problem Solving Approach
The overall approach taken in our problem solving training follows these simple and fairly classic steps:
- What problem – getting as much information and perspective on the problem as possible.
- Solutions – formulating as many solutions as possible.
- Assessment – comparing your different solutions and approaches.
- Decision – choosing a solution.
- Learning – possibly the most important step is that of learning from what happens as a result of implementing your chosen solution.
The following parts of the agenda fall into these five steps.
Is it a Problem
The first step we explore is whether what we think is a problem really is a problem. For these we use a variety of measures, including different perceptions, your role objectives and role targets.
Define Your Problem
Defining the problem is a vital step to understanding it better. Describing what makes you think that this is a problem, requires you to explain it logically and remove any emotion that might have crept in.
Risk / Importance of your Problem
Doing a risk analysis of the situation is key to assessing it’s importance.
Implications of Doing Nothing
It’s always an interesting exercise to assess what would happen if you did nothing. This often results in a better understanding of the risks.
Information Gathering
An important step in reducing a sense of stress related to your problem is information gathering. Getting as much data on the situation as possible can often help to shed light on the possible solutions.
Finding a mentor for your situation or role is often a good strategy. This means a person who has experienced similar situations to your problem. They can give you their experience from having dealt with similar or exactly the same problems previously.
Assessing the personalities of the people involved with your situation is an enlightening exercise. You will often gain new insight on the motives for their actions and their responses to situations.
Taking a look at the situation from different perspectives is a good way to get other people involved. Seeking their perceptions can get you out of a mental rut in the way you are thinking about the problem.
Methods for developing multiple ideas, as with brainstorming, are introduced and applied to your problems.
Option Assessment
We use a simple assessment tool to grade each of your possible options. Our hindsight tool is also used to attempt to predict a view of the situation following the implementation of a selected solution. This includes assessing the reactions of those involved.
Decision Making
Following the option assessment, each participant makes a decision on their situation and explains the rationale behind this. The group discuss their choice.
Action Planning
Each participant defines their actions from the training. For this we use our Behavioural Change Action Planning Tool where appropriate.
We offer our WhatsApp WorkCoach to help support participants after the training. This includes a year of contact with the training consultant to help with how to implement actions from the training and ongoing support.
Case Study
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