Our online training is interactive and engaging. The sessions are relatively short, from 30 to 90 minutes. They focus on key areas of the subject, to give you specific ideas to implement straight away. We have a range of subjects under the umberella of Business Skills.
Online Training Reviews since lockdown
Online Training on a range of Business Skills
Any of the subjects we deliver in live classroom training, can be delivered in the virtual classroom.

We use Zoom to deliver our online learning, but we can also deliver on your preferred platform. We use Adobe Connect, Webex, Whereby and any of the other platforms. The technology allows participants to ‘go’ into separate meeting rooms to discuss a topic and then return to the main room to report back on their discussion.
The technology also allows the sue of whiteboards. This is where the trainer can ask a question and participants write their thoughts on the whiteboard, just lie a flip chart in a live classroom.

10 years experience of running Virtual Classrooms
A virtual classroom is surprisingly similar to a live classroom. The interaction between multiple participants and the trainer is similar. We’ve been running virtual classrooms on line for over ten years, which means we’ve got lots of experience in how to do this well.

Online training tailored to your needs
Whilct we have agendas for each of our training sessions, clients always need them adapted to suit their needs. This is done at no extra cost and means the training is right for your organisation and your learning needs.

Results & Reviews
The reviews we get from participanst and clients is fabulous. We encourage all participants to give their feedback on our sessions, so that we always learn how to make incremental improvements. Take a look at our training reviews at ITD training reviews.

Participant Experience
In our online workshops you will be engaged and involved all the way through. We feel that training should be based around a conversation. Yes, we present ideas, but they are immediately discussed as to how to apply them in the participants’ situations. It’s like learning whilst you work.
International Experience
We’ve delieverd online and live classroom training in 32 countres worldwide. That means we’ve worked with thousance of participants in many clients.
Online learning lends itself to international delivery because it saves on travel costs and can be done relatively quickly.

Learning Video Suppport
If you choose our presentation skills training for an online training session, you will get complimentary access to our learning video platform itdLIVE. itdLIVE gives you over 90 learning videos from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Each one gives you an idea to develop your presenting skills. Find out more by going to itdLIVE.
Find out more about our Online Learning
Complete the form below, or just call us on 0800 804 8086.