Personality & Communication at Work
Trilegal is a leading law firm in India. As they say; “The best advice goes beyond legal expertise. Given the rapidly evolving economic environment, businesses face new challenges every day. Our comprehensive domain knowledge and depth of experience across sectors empowers us to consider strategic concerns while crafting accurate, bespoke solutions for our clients.”
We have been working with Trilegal in India since 2020. This has involved live workshops in the Delhi, Mumbai & Bangalore offices. It has also included virtual courses.
This training programme was aimed at expiditing the contribution junior lawyers could make to their practice areas in the way they work. This means developing assertiveness in how they work with colleagues, seniors and clients.
The need for this training was to help the participants gain a better understanding of their work style and communication skills. And with this knowledge to develop a more assertive and informed approach to communication.
India; Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Gurugram.

Style of Training
Virtual Workshops.
Content & Activity
Participants completed our online Work Styles Questionnaire and invited work colleagues to completed a similar feedback questionniare.
The course was constructed of part 1 and part 2 sessions separated by around a week.
In the Zoom classroom participants in groups of between 8 – 18 worked together in discussion and practice. They did this both as one group and in breakout rooms.
Part 1 Agenda
- The impact of personality in the work place.
- Introduction to the ITD Work Styles Model.
- How to work with our work styles.
- Principles of self management.
- Review of the questionnaire results.
- Review of the feedback results.
- Interpreting the differences and similarities.
- Personal actions.
Part 2 Agenda
- Review actions from part 1 with input from the trainer.
- How to communicate with the different styles.
- Challenges in working with different styles.
- Developing an assertive approach – what the firm requires.
- Situation analysis.
- Neutral Positioning.
- Further actions.
Post workshop
The workshop material was emailed as a pdf to all participants. Each person had email access to the trainer for follow up.
Each participant gained the following:
- Language to describe their own work styles.
- Words to describe the work behaviours of colleagues and clients.
- Specific feedback, ideas and input from the trainer.
- Ideas on how to develop an assertive approach.
- Ideas on more effective working.
Participant Feedback
One way to explain the feedback from the workshops is to a show a feedback page from one of the sessions.

Client Comment
Thank you Martin.