SGI nudge

SGI are an insurance organisation based in Saskatchewan in Canada. They reached out to ITD to enquire about how Nudge could help their internal communications and projects.

Pre workshop preparation

We worked with participants to understand their challenges and how they would like Nudge to help them. Based on this we designed the workshop content.

1 day training spread over 2 half days

Nudge ideas were introduced and applied to SGI situations, making the session a blend of training and coaching. Dividing the training into two half days allowed time for the Nudge ideas to settle in.

9.30am - 1.00pm

The timings of virtual training is important as there needs to be a balance of doing the training but allowing time for breaks and for work to be done. We scheduled the session for the mornings of two consecutive days, allowing time for work in the afternoon.

Participant Review

“The Nudge training we received from Martin was fantastic both in content and facilitation as well as application. The interactive format allowed our team to work through real life examples and determine action plans on how to move forward. I found all of the concepts extremely valuable and I know that our organization will benefit from the application of this training. Other areas in our organization will be participating in this training in the future. I would highly recommend.”

Nikki Perala