introduction to project management

Introduction to Project Management

This Introduction to Project Management training course gives an overview of the key principles of project planning and project management. Examples of projects from your organisation can be used to illustrate the ideas in the session.

This session is ideal for those people who need an introduction to the basics of project management, and as precursor to further training.


One hour to ninety minutes.

Number of participants

Six to twenty.


This course is in presentation or seminar format. In one hour there is time to give an overview of the key principles of project management. This is appropriate where people need an introduction to the key principles applied to their projects. This tailoring we do at no extra cost. Sometimes this can be done to gain buy in for more activity, or simply as an introduction to create a basis of understanding.


  • Give participants an overview of the key principles of project management.
  • Review the key things to look out for with projects in your organisation.
  • Give an overview of planning projects.


  • What is a Project?
  • How to identify Projects even when they are camouflaged.
  • What to do when you spot a Project.
  • Fundamentals of Proect Management.
  • Introduces our Project Planning Tool.
  • Framework for Project Planning, the 5 ps of project management:
    • Purpose – yours & the organisation’s.
    • People – involved & impacted, managing expectations.
    • Processes – Milestones & Tasks. Using Basecamp to Gantt charts.
    • Planning – When to & how to.
    • Pricing – internal costs and budgets.
  • Communication in a project.
  • Top 3 reasons why projects falter.
  • Why do projects run over time & how to avoid this?
  • Question & Answer session.

Workshop Style

  • Presentation with group discussion.
  • Participant interaction.
  • Discussion of ideas.
  • Application of ideas to your organisation.

Tailored to your needs

If you have specific needs for the training, or if you would like us to focus on key aspects of project management in the training then we can do this. We discuss with you what your needs are and adapt the training course to fit these requirements at no extra cost.

Learning Outcomes

  • Basic awareness of key principles of project management.
  • Some application of the ideas to your projects.

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