Virtual Written Communication Skills Training
As East London’s oldest healthcare charity, Barts Charity have been at the forefront of advancing healthcare for hundreds of years. The hospitals they support provide excellent care to their patients. Yet too many people’s lives in East London are affected by ill health. At Barts Charity they have East London in their hearts and they want healthier, longer lives for everyone in the community.
Together with partners they make better healthcare possible, funding brilliant ideas and ground-breaking research to transform lives. They invest in inspiring people and projects that have the greatest impact on the health and lives of local people. And as our local community is one of the most diverse places to call home, what makes a difference in East London has the potential to touch lives across the world.
Writing internal emails and documents requires skill and care. It all to easy to just write without considering the audience. This session gives a number of easy to follow ideas on how to improve impact with internal emails or external communications.
The specific need for the training includes to:
• Write clear, concise communications which are simple to understand.
• Write in a manner which mirrors the communication needs of the recipient.
• Use the appropriate tone and word choice to elicit the right response.
We delivered a 3-hour virtual workshop with one participant.
The first part of the workshop focussed on reviewing documents provided by the participants and identifying areas for improvement.
The second stage was to review frameworks and models which help to approach writing differently.
The third part reviewed key areas of written communications including; words, paragraphs, grammar, punctuation and overall impact.
The participant completed the session with a number of specific actions to implement.
Participant Feedback
“The written communication training with Martin went really well. He included some really interesting insight into how written communication can be perceived. I found the email template a really useful tool to help draft a email. Would recommend this training to others!”
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