IAM Roadsmart

Written Communication Training

IAM RoadSmart formerly called the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) is a charity based in the United Kingdom and serving nine countries, whose objective is to improve car driving and motorcycle riding standards, and so enhance road safety, by using the British police’s system of car and motorcycle control commonly known as “the System”. The System was devised in 1937 by racing driver Mark Everard Pepys, 6th Earl of Cottenham, to reduce accidents in police pursuits.

People who have passed an IAM test have substantially fewer accidents and typically report getting more pleasure from driving too. Research has shown that IAM training increases a wide range of driving skills, including speed, safe distances, gear changing and cornering.

The IAM was formed in 1956 and has more than 89,000 members, all of whom have taken and passed an advanced test in a car, commercial vehicle or on a motorcycle. In 2006, the charity took over the work of the AA Motoring Trust, which had been established in 2002 by The Automobile Association. The charity brought its different activities and programmes together under one umbrella called IAM RoadSmart in 2016.


IAM RoadSmart contacted us to help them refresh their skills. Written communication is a key part of the roles of many people in the office organisation.


The key need was simply to remind everyone that getting it right really matters. Added to this we put ideas and tips that would help everyone write more effectively.


We worked with participants thorugh the central contact to make sure the content was tailored to their needs. This means using examples from their world. We used emails, leaflets and web pages to illustrate the points made.

The session was three hours long with pre-course work and email follow up.


Everyone copleetd the session saying how euseful it was. Each person had a list personal actions to implement.

Participant Feedback

“Excellent session.”

“Much better than I thought it would be.”

“I really like the piece on structure, which I’ve never really thought of in that way.”

Client Comment

“Many thanks for your efforts, the workshop went down well and has certainly got people thinking and talking.”