Telephone Prospecting Training
From its modest beginnings in Bob and Cathy Smith’s home 43 years ago, PAR has grown into a leading publisher of psychological assessment materials designed to help Customers better serve their clients.
PAR reached out to us to hep them with tailored telephone skills training.
The cohort for the training included highly qualified and professional individuals. The need was to help them to get in front of more prospect clients.
We designed a training workshop that would help the participants develop their approach and confidence. We used a combined training / coaching style to work with each person.
Ideas were introduced, explained and then parctised through scenarios. The participants then used these skills to call live prospects with coaching support.
The approach and skills of each person grew during the session.
Participant Feedback
“Excellent session. I would not have thought I could achieve so much with just a few seemingly small chnages.”
“Delighted the training worked so well.”
Client Comment
“They loved it.”