International Sales Management Training
This is a medium sized pharmaceutical company with offices in the UK and across Europe.
Background & Tailoring
They wanted to train this international audience to create a more standard or agreed way of working and develop their skills.
The session would be over three days and would involve sales managers from England, Ireland, South Africa & Saudi Arabia.
Email conversations prior to the workshop established what training the participants had received previously & precisely what they would like to get out of the training.
The Sales Director recognised the need for training in sales management to ensure they were managing in a consistent way. The additional need was to give each manager a set of practical tools they could use in their day to day role
The workshop involved a wide variety of activity from group facilitated discussion to business games and role plays. The participants completed an on-line questionnaire that produced a report giving feedback on their management style which proved extremely popular.
The agenda included; looking at a range of typical sales management issues and working in teams to develop solutions, practising the conversation in dealing with challenging issues, reviewing best practice sales management tools and behaviours.
Participant Feedback
- “Very interesting training.”
- “Practical training that helped with our everyday issues.”
Client Comment
“Excellent session. The participants commented that the time was very well spent & extremely useful.”