EE Nudge

Nudge Training Seminar

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We ran a series of Nudge Training Workshops for the campaign design team at EE. Following these the feedback was outstanding. Word got round the business and we were called back to do a session for a larger audience in a seminar style session.


The need was to give a large group an overview of Nudge and how it applies in everyday life and in communication.


A 90-minute session was developed to be delivered in a hybrid format. This meant we had some people in the room and many more online.

With a seminar style session there is time for some interaction but not as much as with a workshop. The objective was to give the large groups an overview of Nudge, how it works and how it can be applied. The session was followed by an internal presentation on how Nudge has been applied in the business since the Nudge Workshops we ran six months previously.

The session gave an overview of Nudge and delved into some of the key Nudge principles. Participants were given a limited amount of time to suggest ideas on where they had seen examples of each Nudge and how they might apply it. This worked extremely well, as it engaged everyone but meant that the session was tightly run and finished bang on time.

Questions were posted in the chat and then  addresses at the end of each section of the seminar, with a longer Q&A at the end of the session.


Each participant gained a base understanding of Nudge and of some of the key ideas within Nudge. The initial feedback from the session was excellent.

Participant Feedback

To follow.

Client Comment

To follow.

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