Pre-handling objections can make a real difference
Pre-handling an objection means overcoming that objection before it is raised. For example, if you expect price to be an issue as you are not the cheapest on the market, pre handling this might be a good idea.
You might say something like, ‘The reason why so many clients are turning to us rather than the cheap competitors is that we deliver over time, not just for a few weeks, and more people require the reliability they get with us.’
Or for a different objection, ‘You may not have heard of us before and that’s because we have built a good business without spending huge amounts on advertising; we’ve focussed on delivering great service.’
Or again, ‘We are more of a boutique supplier, focussing on the quality of our service rather than trying to serve too many customers like some of the bigger players. Our clients appreciate the level of service they get with us and they find it’s worth it.’
It is not always a good idea to introduce an objection in this way, but if you are experiencing the same objection frequently popping up, it might be worth trying to pre-handle it.
When used appropriately pre-handling objections can be a very useful technique.