It is hard enough to make a presentation when all your clients (internal or external) are engaged, but what do you do when one of them starts being distracted by their phone? It might be a text message, an email
ITD Work style model to understand personalities at work
ITD work style model There are many models for understanding personality at work. We use Thomas International if a full blown psychometric report is required. There are many others, and they are all based on Carl Jung’s 16
How to win a pitch when making a presentation
You’re in a competitive situation. You’re pitching to a prospective client. You want to win. You have so much to say. You only have 15 minutes. How can you cram it all in? Answer, don’t. Do something radical, do something
One of the oldest sales tips we all forget
What is one of the oldest sales tips we all forget? What do we all do from time to time, or rather forget to do? When we go on sales training courses we will cover the basics. When we’re
What is assertive? You will often people use the word and indicate it is a good thing. But what is it? Assertive is a behaviour. We can be assertive sometimes and sometimes not. Assertive is about putting our point
Presentation skills tip for those who need to turn up the volume
Some of us find presenting quite daunting and speaking loud enough can be a challenge. But if people cannot hear us they will disengage, so we need to make sure we turn the volume up, but how? We all tend
Tips and ideas on working with different personalities or work styles
We all have our own personality. At work we have a work personality or work style which may be the same or slightly different. There are many models which help us to describe this personality. At ITD we have worked
Telephone sales – how to adapt your style
When we sell over the telephone it’s easy to get into a mode where one call follows another and we start to sound a bit monotone. One call feels like another, our enthusiasm wanes and so do our results.
BD for Lawyers – the first 20 minutes
BD for lawyers – the first 20 minutes How can we ensure more lawyers, do more BD every week? Make it the norm. Make it an expectation. What if in your firm every lawyer spent the first 20
Tip for Account Managers to avoid complacency
It is very easy to become complacent as an account manager, not in the hunger for sales, but in terms of what we know, or rather what we don’t know about the account. When we build a good relationship with