We continue to revisit the issue of motivation and specifically, the “carrot and stick” aspect. Research seems to indicate that brain chemicals may control behavior and for people to learn and adapt in the world; therefore, both punishment and reward may be necessary. This
Why Companies Prefer Amateurs for Some Jobs
There’s an old adage among engineers: If you’re trying to solve a problem, take it to freshman engineering students, not seniors. That’s because, after four years of learning about the limits of physics, they lose the ability to design solutions
Virgin employees to be given limitless holidays!
Richard Branson is giving employees in his Virgin group unlimited holidays. The policy, or “(non) policy” as Branson described it, stems from the development and popularity of flexible working. Announcing the decision on the company’s website, he said: “Flexible working
The transparency trap
The transparency trap. One decade you’re sitting at a desk hemmed in by four-foot-high walls, the next, your desk is one of hundreds in an open workspace the size of an aircraft carrier hanger. Today’s cult of transparency rests in
Personal development training excelled & practical
Our personality awareness training, part of a personal development programme receive excellent feedback this week. Participants said it excelled their expectations, provided very practical tips. They also said that ideas and tips from the training will be implemented straight away.
Walking the talk is not an option
Walking the talk is not an option. A common maxim in management & leadership is that you must walk the talk. That is, don’t just tell people what to do, do it yourself. This is often explored as a choice.
Managing change – tip on making it easier to introduce change
Managing change – tip on making it easier to change. Whenever there is significant change to implement in a team, a department, or an organisation, we are told to plan it carefully, think of the reactions and prepare for all
Leadership means you’re being watched
When you become a leader you’re being watched. All the time. Watched by all of your team all of the time. Everything you do is scrutinised and interpreted. And every action is reviewed to assess whether it is something they
Project management tip on achieving deadlines
With some projects we can set our own deadline. That is, there is no external or client driven deadline. So how can we make sure we meet that deadline? Do everything as normal. Set your objectives. Write your plan. Plan
Motivation – how to motivate your team
Motivation is a big subject. You can go on lots of courses on motivation. We do training courses on motivation. But what is a really good tip for motivating your team? First don’t de-motivate them. It’s so easy to do