
Workshop Overview

It is always possible to become more efficient in how we organise ourselves and our work.

Time management skills training can help you to become more efficient, develop a sense of managing tasks rather than them managing you and to lower stress levels.

The ITD approach to time management skills is to look for the underlying causes of time issues. We also explore behaviours that can create pressures on ourselves. The workshop focuses on each individual’s approach to work and how this can unlock opportunities to be more time efficient.

There are also a range of very straight forward tips which can have a high impact on time management skills. In our experience no single approach works for every individual. In a typical ITD workshop we work with your people to find the best solution for them, so that each participant leaves with a n umber of specific actions to improve their efficiency.


Pre workshop activity

  • Meeting to discuss the participant’s needs and those of the organisation
  • Draft workshop outline tailored to your needs
  • Agreement of agenda
  • Participants complete a short questionnaire and read the ITD Work Style Model in preparation for the workshop.


  • Half a day to a full day, or two half days.


Typical Agenda

  • Do we manage time or ourselves?
  • Work Style Model – understanding our approach to work
  • Understanidng our strengths and weaknesses in personal efficiency
  • Prioritising – how to prioritise
  • Habits and getting into more good ones
  • Managing emails
  • Managing expectations
  • Handling clients/colleagues assertively whilst giving a great service
  • Managing time grabbers
  • Understanding biorhythms and their impact on personal efficiency

Post workshop activity

  • Participants leave with individual actions
  • Email follow up of personal action plans
  • Suggested conversation with their line manager on their actions
  • Optional WebEx conference call follow up on these actions
  • Optional 121 coaching
  • ITD blog with further tips and suggestions


Client feedback

  • “The workshop was very engaging and our guys were working on their challenges throughout the session.”
  • “Good comfortable atmosphere created from the start.”
  • “Achieved exactly what I wanted.”

Participant comments

  • “Very interesting.”
  • “I had not looked at leadership in this way before.”
  • “The difference between leading and managing is very distinct now and hugely important.”
  • “It has totally changed how I view my role; I am a leader first and a manager second.”


Call or email ITD to explore how we can help your people become more efficient at work



Time & Work Management – Case Study

The finance team – based in Cambridge. We have worked with this finance team on a number of occasions through the years


The finance team had been through amajor change programme focussed on moving part of their function to a central services function in a different country. This meant a break up of the team and some distress. Now that this process had been complete the team needed to rebuild.


The Director recognised the need for an activity which would help the team move on from the enforced change they had experienced. He wanted them to draw a line on the past challenges and focus on the future. But he also wanted them to have fun and start to think of themselves as a new team.


We put together a mix of facilitated sessions with a blend of discussion, fun activities and team working which all pointed to the future. This was a 2 day session based in a boutique hotel in London.

  • What are we going to say goodbye to?
  • What is exciting about the future?
  • How can we show the future visually – create a TV advert?
  • How are going to support each other?



The main outcomes of this session were:

  • The team said goodbye to the past and embraced the future.
  • The team created not just a new culture but an entire identity for their team.
  • The energy that was produced during and following the session created an amazing atmosphere.

What the participants said

  • “The session produced everything I might have hoped for and a great deal more.”
  • “The office has been taken over by all of our efforts last week, it’s brilliant!”
  • “The Quam is now a part of everything we do, quite remarkable!”
  • “ITD did a brilliant job; superb blend of facilitation, suggestion and creativity.”
  • “The activities were excellent, especially making the TV adverts!”


Associates / Senior Associates – Coaching Skills – to get the most effective work from junior lawyers

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